Artist donations

much appreciated

Glen Rose
Glen Rose

I hear from so many people who enjoy my free lessons on Youtube and it's an  inspiration for me to continue making more. 

While I do have many lessons for sale on my web site, the vast majority of my viewers and online students enjoy the free ones and never actually purchase a long lesson. That is not a complaint, far from it. It always thrills me to see the number of views I have on some of my Youtube lessons. 

​If you connect with my teaching style and my free lessons help you in your musical progress and evolution, then I am truly happy. I like teaching and connecting with jazz-interested students as much as I do performing.  

If you feel like you would like to make a donation, please do. Some money in the tip jar can help the artist with his way down the road. A little or a lot, it all helps.

Thank you,

Glen Rose